Congestion Protection for Route 66

Congestion Protection for Route 66

Chris Boll, a Master’s student in civil engineering, took inspiration from best practices in Brussels, Zurich, and Dublin to  develop ways to protect Route 66 from traffic congestion at five “hot spots” that include Mission Hill, Coolidge Corner,...
Road Diet for Centre Street, West Roxbury

Road Diet for Centre Street, West Roxbury

Centre St between Lagrange St and Esther Street (near Holy Name Circle) is West Roxbury’s main street, flanked by shops and businesses. It has 3 bus routes, a nearby commuter rail station, and several nearby schools that further contribute to pedestrian traffic....
Improving Pedestrian Access to Franklin Park

Improving Pedestrian Access to Franklin Park

UPDATE, 2017:  The new park entrance for ped/bike that we recommended is under construction! (Franklin Hill Ave. @ American Legion Hwy) The limited number of entrances and poor crossing provisions across the busy roads bordering Boston’s Franklin Park limit its...